Frans Theuws is professor of medieval archaeology at Leiden University. He obtained his BA in history at the Radboud University Nijmegen, his MA in medieval archaeology (cum Laude) at the University of Amsterdam, and his PhD (cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam.In 2002 he was appointed professor of historical archaeology north of the Alps at the University of Amsterdam. In 2012 he was appointed professor of medieval archaeology at Leiden University. He obtained various substantial grants from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). In 2017 he obtained an ERC Advanced Grant for the Rural Riches project.
See the profile on the Leiden University website for more detailed information.
Articles relating to Rural Riches
Theuws, F., 2019: Burial archaeology and the transformation of the Roman world in northern Gaul (4th to 6th centuries), in: S. Brather-Walter (ed.), 2019: Archaeology. History and Biosciences. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Berlin De Gruyter (Ergänzungsbände zum reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde 107), 125-150. ISBN 9783110616651 DOI:
Theuws, F., 2019: Merovingian settlements in the southern Netherlands: development, social organisation of production and symbolic topography, in: J. Haberstroh/I. Heitmeier (eds.), 2019: Gründerzeit. Siedlung in Bayern zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, St. Ottilien EOS Verlag (Bayerische Landesgeschichte und europäische regionalgeschichte Band 3), 355-382. ISBN 978-3-8306-7941-7
Articles (selection)
Theuws, F., 1990: Centre and periphery in Northern Austrasia (6th-8th centuries). An archaeological perspective, in: J.C. Besteman, e.a., eds, 1990: Medieval archaeology in the Netherlands. Studies presented to H.H. van Regteren Altena, Amsterdam, 41-69.
Theuws, F., 1991: Landed property and manorial organisation in Northern Austrasia: some considerations and a case study, in: N. Roymans / F. Theuws, eds, 1991: Images of the Past: studies on ancient societies in Northwestern Europe, Amsterdam, 299-407.
Theuws, F. / H. Hiddink, 1996: Der Kontakt mit Rom., in: Die Franken. Wegbereiter Europas. Vor 1500 Jahren: König Chlodwig und seine Erben, Mainz, 66-80.
Theuws, F., 1996: Haus, Hof und Siedlung im nördlichen Frankenreich, in: Die Franken. Wegbereiter Europas. Vor 1500 Jahren: König Chlodwig und seine Erben, Mainz, 754-768.
Theuws, F. / M. Alkemade, 2000: A kind of mirror for men: sword depositions in Late Antique northern Gaul, in: F. Theuws / J. Nelson, eds, Rituals of power. From late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, Leiden, 401-476.
Theuws, F., 2000: Introduction: Rituals in Transforming Societies, in: F. Theuws /J. Nelson, eds, Rituals of power. From late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, Leiden, 1-13.
Theuws, F., 2001: Maastricht as a centre of power in the Early Middle Ages, in: M. de Jong / F. Theuws, eds, with C. van Rhijn, 2001: Topographies of Power in the Early Middle Ages, Leiden/Boston/Keulen, 155-216.
Theuws, F., 2004: Exchange, religion, identity and central places in the Early Middle Ages”, Archaeological Dialogues 10, pp. 121-138, 149-159 (with comments by R. Hodges , pp. 138-144 and J. Moreland, pp. 144-149).
Theuws, F., 2008: Settlement research and the process of manorialization in Northern Austrasia, in: S. Gasparri (ed.), 2008: 774 Ipotesi su una transizione. Atti del Seminario di Poggibonsi, 16-18 febbraio 2006, 199-220.
Theuws, F., 2009: Grave goods, ethnicity, and the rhetoric of burial rites in Late Antique Northern Gaul, in T. Derks/N. Roymans (eds.), 2009: Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity. The role of power and tradition, Amsterdam, 283-319.
Theuws, F.C.W.J., 2012: River-based trade centres in early medieval northwestern Europe. Some ‘reactionary’ thoughts,. In: Gelichi, S & Hodges, R (Eds.), From one Sea to another. Trading Places in the European and Mediterranean Early Middle Ages. Proceedings of the International Conference Comacchio, 27th-29th March 2009 (Seminari del centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medievo), 3. , pp. 25-45. Turnhout: Brepols.
Theuws, F., 2014: Das mittlere Maastal. Wie es zu einem Kerngebiet des Karolingerreichs wurde, in: F. Pohle (ed.), 2014: Karl der Grosse, Charlemagne. Orte der Macht, Aachen, 188-197.
Theuws, F., 2019 (2018): Reversed directions. Re-thinking sceattas in the Netherlands and England, Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters 46, 27-84. ISBN 978-3-7749-4224-0
Knippenberg, S./F. Theuws, 2019: Wonen en begraven in Uden. Opgravingen van een Merovingisch grafveld en middeleeuwse nederzetting langs de Schepersweg, gemeente Uden, Leiden (Archol rapport 428). ISSN 1569-2396
Cemeteries published in the context of the Anastasis project
Theuws, F./M. Van Haperen, 2012: The Merovingian cemetery of Bergeijk-Fazantlaan, Bonn.
De Haas, M.V./F.C.W.J. Theuws, 2013: The Merovingian cemetery of Posterholt-Achterste Voorst, Bonn.
Kars, M./F. Theuws/M. de Haas, 2016: The Merovingian cemeteries of Sittard-Kemperkoul, Obbicht-Oude Molen and Stein-Groote Bongerd, Bonn.
Theuws, F./M. Kars (eds.), 2017: The Saint-Servatius complex in Maastricht. The Vrijthof excavations (1969-1970). Roman infrastructure-Merovingian cemetery-Carolingian cemetery-early town development, Bonn.
Edited volumes
Theuws, F. / J. Nelson, eds, 2000: Rituals of power. From Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages, Leiden.
Jong, M. de / F. Theuws, eds, with C. van Rhijn, 2001: Topographies of power in the Early Middle Ages, Leiden.